Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Angering Article About Charitable Giving

I read an article yesterday that really made me mad! The article was about how religious people donate more to charity than non-religious people. The author used the article as a call-to-arms for atheists to "catch up" in their charitable giving.

(NOTE: I generally like the Get Rich Slowly blog. I was hesitant to publish my post because I think the blog is generally helpful. However, the post in question really pissed me off, and I needed to rant to get it out of my system.)

The author of the article has missed the true crux of the matter: religious people donate more because they are focused on something other than themselves! I know this is a tough message, but it's the truth. I donate money, clothing, time, etc. because I genuinely want to help people because I believe that my God is calling me to do that.

I want to call non-religious people to search their hearts for the reason that as a group their charitable giving is lower. If they honestly look for a truthful answer, they will find God waiting for them.

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